Tuesday, February 03, 2004
** Military / Iraq
This NYTimes piece takes an in-depth look at problems that the US military faced in the latest Iraq war.
The first official Army history of the Iraq war reveals that American forces were plagued by a "morass" of supply shortages, radios that could not reach far-flung troops, disappointing psychological operations and virtually no reliable intelligence on how Saddam Hussein would defend Baghdad.Despite all this, the public only got (and continues to get) rosy pictures of our "successes". My question is this: how long will it take before it is conventional wisdom / common knowledge that the government is just a bunch of liars?
Logistics problems, which senior Army officials played down at the time, were much worse than have previously been reported. While the study serves mainly as a technical examination of how the Army performed and the problems it faced, it could also serve as a political document that could advance the Army's interests within the Pentagon.