Friday, April 22, 2005
* Media: Al-Jazeera International?

Salon is reporting that Al-Jazeera is planning to launch an international English-language station if they can get distribution. I hope that they can pull this off. As Salon says:
Though everyone says it will be different from its Arabic parent, no one knows exactly what the editorial content of Al-Jazeera International will look and sound like. The rank and file in Al-Jazeera's current Washington bureau, who plead ignorance when asked about the plans of their new colleagues, even stress its independence. (That independence will not, at least at first, extend to finances -- but Al-Jazeera isn't saying how much seed money it has put into the new venture.) Executives are promising extensive coverage of the developing world, so often neglected on the international airwaves. They also plan to lend a bullhorn to figures on the fringes of the American left, such as Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky.
I watch BBC news to some extent these days, but it would be great to have some additional competition against the crappy American news agencies.
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